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AXA Affin Life Insurance

Omni Powers AXA’s Agile Workforce

AXA AFFIN Life is a joint venture company between AFFIN Holdings Berhad and AXA Group, a worldwide financial protection leader, which is headquartered in Paris. Leveraging on the AXA Group’s strength as a financial protection expert and AFFIN Holdings’ local knowledge and diversified network, AXA AFFIN Life is focused on helping individuals manage risk and achieve their financial goals.

Before Omni

The company struggled with these major pain points

  1. Immobile and restricted Traditional PABX systems with physical deskphones restricts business opportunities and movement of employees solely around the office desks.
  2. High cost of maintenance Systems with physical hardware and landline infrastructure incurred high maintenance costs which affects the OPEX of the company.
  3. Highly inflexible The company was also unable to easily scale the utilisation of the system as it involves physical assets.
  4. Innovation in a traditional industry AXA was undergoing digital transformation to keep the company efficient, relevant and attractive for employees.

After Omni

Omni came in with a whole suite of solutions

  1. Fully Mobile With Omni, all employees are able to operate incoming and outgoing calls from their landline numbers and extension lines via the Omni app on their smartphones. They are no longer restricted to the limits of their desks and they no longer miss another valuable sales call.
  2. Affordable Without hardware and infrastructure maintenance, AXA only pays for the software services on a subscription basis, based solely on the selected extensions and services required. No line rental fees, maintenance fees, contract and the likes.
  3. Highly Scalable As Omni operates on cloud through software, AXA can easily increase or decrease the capacity of their Omni plan and pay only based on the current needs of their business.
  4. Digital Transformation With Omni, AXA was able to remove all their cubicles and deskphones to implement a hot-desking system.

In The End

Beyond the amount of overheads they managed to save, with the flexibility provided by Omni, AXA is now also able to operate a fully agile workforce and move towards their aim of being the most inspiring employer for millenials.

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